• LOVE

Caring Tip Guide

Caring for your new Maltese or Morkie puppy


Your pup had some of his shots and he or she are doing just fine. Please look at their medical record book and make an appointment for their next series of shots.

From birth your pups has been handled with lots of love and care. They were touched, held, kissed and talk to on a daily basis. They were weaned off of mom at 5 weeks. They’re fed Science Diet or IAMS hard and soft food two to three times a day. You should continue this feeding schedule until they are at least 4 months, give them less and less soft food until they are on all hard food. Then give them the soft food mixed with dry only if your pup will not eat dry, but try to give them all dry food. By 8 months your dog should be eating twice a day until they are a full year. It is important to give your puppy Nutri-Cal 3 to 5 times a day if you see a decrease in their appetite or they have not eaten at all. This will give them the added nutrition that they need. Do not give them the Nutri-Cal if they are eating ok.  If you give them too much they will gain too much weight. Remember to leave fresh water down until two hours before bedtime.

Your puppy is most likely teaching now and they will chew anything in sight. Please keep all cords out of their reach. Give them a teething toy that is provided for you in their going home bag. Nylon teething bones are a good choice.

When you are potty training your puppy always keep a clean pee pee pad down. Your puppy is trained to go to the Pads when they leave me and most of the time they are already housebroken. Praise your puppy when he or she goes on the pad.  Replace it with a new one right away if possible.  Before long he/she will realize where to release themselves.  If trying to housebreak your pup, first place the pad in front or beside the door you will be taking them out of.  Take him or her out for a walk about 10 minutes after eating.  They will soon realize he or she must go outside to release themselves and will only use the pad if you are not around.  Always praise your puppy and make a schedule that works for both of you. Bathe him/her about once a month or as needed with Dove bar soap.  I use Dove soap or Johnson’s Baby Shampoo for the first year of their life. The pups have shown no bad reaction to this bathing method.  Check with your vet for other shampoos if you choose to use something different.

If you adopt a pup during the Christmas season do not put tensile or any type of stringy decorations on the tree, or anywhere reachable for your pup.  Keep the mistletoe and any glass ornaments out of their reach.  Remember that your pup notice everything at a different level than you do.

You have lifetime kenneling for your new family member, they must be neutered or spayed if they are over 6 months.  If you are feeding them any other food then IAMS or Science Diet please brings their food with them.  I would like two week’s notice if possible, if not please call as soon as possible, we love caring for them and giving you the peace of mind while you are away on vacation.

For more information on caring for Maltese or Morikis, it is a good idea to purchase a book or go online.

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If you have any questions or concerns please call or e-mail me.

[email protected]



Rhonda Stone

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